5 Tips and Tricks for Using Word for Business

Convenient features can save you time and money

Most individuals do not utilize every feature built-in with their software application applications. We tend to pinpoint those we find handy and stop.

Here are 5 features within Microsoft Word, the word-processing software in Microsoft Office that I utilize in my service to save time and money.

  1. Produce and design your business’s letterhead, choosing from a range of complimentary clip art from Microsoft.

    One thing every company requires is main letterhead. You don’t need to buy it. If you understand the design you want, you can create it in Microsoft Word and wait as a template to utilize time after time.

    Developing a letterhead doesn’t have to be complicated; it can be as simple as the company telephone, address and name number. Word provides a variety of font styles, and you can differ type sizes.

    You might want to include art to your letterhead. You can scan in your logo design and use it in your letterhead. Or there is another option.

    If you desire to include a flower, Microsoft has more than 1,000 designs. The clip art collection is readily available to registered users of Word.

    Microsoft also provides totally free design templates for forms, letters and labels. They’re located in the Template Gallery. (Most run in Word, although some need other software application. The job management templates require Microsoft Project 2000 or a later version.)

  2. Send the very same letter to many people without attending to each separately.

    In some cases you require to make a marketing pitch to all of your customers. Or you want to reveal a modification in your personnel. This can appear challenging however it does not need to be. Word’s Mail Merge tool simplifies things considerably.

    Essentially, Word utilizes a list of names and addresses from a table. The table can be produced in Word, in Microsoft Access or even in Microsoft Outlook. All are part of Microsoft Office.

    You’ll probably need a database and Access is the better way to go for that. The discovering curve here is much steeper than putting everything in Excel (likewise part of Microsoft Office).

    Start this procedure with your letter. The exact same letter goes to everybody; you can’t do a great deal of customisation. When you write the letter, leave area for the person’s address and the salutation.

    If Rocky Jones is one of the people receiving the letter, you may want the salutation to be Dear Rocky. If your relationship with Dr. Rocky Jones is more formal, the salutation may be Dear Dr. Jones.

    Next, open your letter. Follow the wizard’s directions on the ideal side of the screen.

    In addition to letters, you can address envelopes and labels with Mail Merge. It can make life a lot much easier.

  3. Include a watermark to a file so everybody knows that it is a draft.

    You do not want it mistaken for the ended up product if you are circulating a proposal to your personnel. An excellent way to prevent that is a watermark that states “Draft,” “Confidential,” “Sample” or anything else you ‘d like.

    A watermark is clearly visible on the file, but does not harm the legibility of the writing. You can even develop it in a range of colours.

    You can likewise use a picture for a watermark. Suppose you run a flower store. You can utilize a drawing or image of a flower that would appear on everything you print. How cool is that?

    To use the watermark, click Format > > Background > Printed Watermark. Make your choices and click OK. If you expect to use a watermark routinely, produce a template (see No. 1 above).

    Remember that there is a great line between cool and irritating. If people should have a hard time to read the document due to the fact that of the watermark, they might offer up.

    When a sales strategy or another document is gone back to you, it is in some cases tough to see changes made by others. Word has a basic way to reveal them to you.

    Here are the directions for Word 2002/2003: First, open the newer Word document. Click Tools > > Compare and Merge Documents. Search to the initial Word document. 바카라사이트 As soon as to highlight it, click it. In the lower right corner, click the drop-down box and choose “Merge Into Current Document.”

    For Word 97/2000: Click Tools. Discover the initial Word file and click it once so it is highlighted.

    In some cases, the development of a file is so strenuous that we lose sight of what we’re trying to do. Looking back at previous variations can help.

    That’s simple to do in Word. Click File > > Versions. Select “Automatically save a version on close.” Every time you close the file, that variation will be conserved.

    When you wish to take a look at an old variation, follow the exact same path. All of the versions will be noted in package. The most recent will be on top. Highlight the variation you click and desire Open.

    Or, you can erase private versions.

    For some

    Basically, Word utilizes a list of names and addresses from a table. Here are the directions for Word 2002/2003: First, open the more recent Word document. Search to the original Word document. For Word 97/2000: Click Tools. Discover the initial Word file and click it as soon as so it is highlighted.